Thursday, March 03, 2011


The last year of my life has been one of major change! In just one year, I had a baby, had my first son leave home, my third son (Thai) was offically adopted, and my second son left home, got news that our good friends who we been serving with for the last ten years will be moving very far away, and our other friends who we came out here with went back to America, and was told that our Thai boys wouldn't be granted visas to America, which means we won't be going home for a very long time; possibly 3 more years! Now that's a lot of change. Some people handle change gracefully and some don't. I tend to be on the overly emotional side!! I mean when Colton graduated from high school, i cried for an entire month!!

But! God always gives grace! He's so good. Some of the news I've handled with grace like a woman who knows her God and knows He's in control and some news I've shriveled up like a baby and bawled my eyes out until my husband told me I had to get a hold of myself! ;)

I'm excited to see what's next. I'm not one for change but every now and then I like it when God throws us a curve ball. Shakes things up a bit. As long as I have my one love and my God and my babies I'm ready for anything.


1 comment:

  1. I couldn't imagine not being able to come to the States for that amount of time. But I know that God's grace is abundant!!! Every time I endure a hardship or struggle I just think, "that's just another ruby or diamond in my crown". It's all about Jesus and you guys are living that to the fullest. Thanks for being transparent.
