Today would be what I would call the "perfect day"!!
Cayden woke up this morning at 5:30am, nursed, and went back to sleep until 8am! He never does that. When i got out of bed this morning, I was actually rested! Something that i don't experience very often. : )
Also, since Cayden's been born our mornings have been crazy! His morning nap is nothing more than small catnaps in 30min intervals which has me constantly juggling him as I try to get things done in the house. He's been taking a long afternoon nap since he was about 2 months old but I could never get him to sleep long in the mornings, making it impossible to homeschool Joseph. Josephs' been such a trooper get "shoved" to the side while I take care of Cayden. Actually Joseph's incredible! He's never gotten frustrated with Cayden once when we've had to stop reading a book, or stop homeschooling because Cayden's up and crying. He loves Cayden so much and is so sweet with him! It blesses me so much!!
BUT! This morning Cayden took a two hour morning nap!!!!! I was able to spend good quality time with Joseph, teach Bank English, clean the house, and do three loads of laundry! I felt like I was on top of the world!! It was wonderful!!
Now both boys are down for their afternoon nap and I just finished making Colton's high school transcript. What a great day.
But chances are that tomorrow won't be the same. ; )