Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Revival meetings in Pa Yao

We've been traveling!! We left on the 3rd of April and returned on the 15th. We drove 26 hours North. We were on the boarder of Loas and Burma! We did revival meetings and showed the Jesus film. Our boys helped lead worship and Clinton preached. We had a wonderful time and embarked on a learning curve we hadn't ever experienced before. We've never traveled with Thais.... and let me tell you, learning experience it was. After realizing that we were going to be in this situation for the next two weeks we both just took a deep breathe and enjoyed the ride. You see when we(the Garsees) travel, it's always a race to see if we can get to the destination any faster than we did the last time. Clinton isn't one to mosey along. When we travel he's on a mission.......mission: to get to the place we are going. However, the Thais take their time. They aren't in a hurry. The drive that could have taken 18 hours, took 26 hours!! They stop every hour, get out of the car, buy snacks, walk around, wash their face, stretch, etc. After the first 8 stops in only 6 hours, we realized we might as well just take it easy. ; ) and that we did. The following pictures are of the revival meetings in Pa Yao. God visited us in a mighty way!


  1. YAY for an update! It's about time ;-). We love you guys ~ Val

  2. Anonymous4:30 AM

    Loved the stories. I linked to you on our site, www.spreadtheflame.com. We are moving towards NE Thailand soon, God willing. Bless you guys!
