Sunday, April 03, 2011

Musings about the pee problem I'm having in my house

If any of you are fortunate enough to have little boys, or a husband I'm sure you've experienced the problem that occurs in the bathroom on a very regular basis. You're bathroom being overtaken by the stench of pee, the drops of pee on the seat, and the slim of pee on the floor.

I am the blessed mother of 5 boys and the wife of one lovely husband, causing the pee problem in my house to have escalated to unmanageable degrees.

I thought I had railroaded the problem when one day I emphatically proclaimed that, "ALL BOYS MUST sit while peeing". After waking every morning and then getting up from the toilet with my bottom wet from sitting in someones pee, I finally exploded and made the proclamation.

The first morning pee of the male species comes with such a surge that it sprays EVERYWHERE! It's like a cloudy mist that fills the bathroom. And if there's no mist, there's always drops left behind.

Yesterday morning, with eyes barely open, I went into the bathroom and sat down and before too long I realized that my feet felt slick and slippery. I looked down and there was a small puddle where someone's pee had trickled down to the floor, and now my foot was resting in this smelly pool.

I yelled down the stairs, "WHO JUST PEED IN THE UPSTAIRS BATHROOM???" Certain the answer would be Bank, my husband answered, "It was me" My husband, who always sits, had decided to stand that morning and those last little trickles wound up on the floor..........ugh! The battle lost again.

I find pee on the back of the seat, on the seat, on the floor, and sometimes when Joseph is feeling artistic, I've found it on the wall.

I feel I've lost the pee war........I now have baby Cayden another little boy and with the failure to train the ones I have now, it's certain he'll follow the other boys and their wild untamed pee ways.

If any of you mothers out there have any suggestions, there's always welcome! ; ) I don't the think older ones are able to be trained but maybe just maybe I'll have luck with the younger ones. sigh.........


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