Friday, June 29, 2007


This will be the library/office. This room is directly to the left of the living room. The only seperation is the sofa.

Here we are all moved in. You can see the brown sofa which seperates the two room. These beautiful bookcases, my wonderful husband and sons built. Our other house had much more room so we had many bookshelves all over the house, but with the space being much more liminted, we had to come up with an idea to get them all in one place. If we were to have bought bookshelves it would have cost around $290, but they built them for only $75! And there really pretty too.


  1. I loooove your new house! It is wonderful!!!!

  2. You guys have done a great job!

    Can the stove or other kitchen area items become ruined if it rains? I can see that w/o having AC the next best thing would be to have an open air kitchen (silly question... but does it ever get colder in Thailand?).
