Monday, April 26, 2010

Letting go

Yesterday I did one of the hardest things I've ever done in my life......I put my 19 year old on a plane to begin a new chapter of his life, without us. It's always painful to let your children go but think there's extra pain involved in the lives of missionaries who have to let theirs go across the ocean. My one hope is in the scripture that Jesus promises to, "give you back a hundred fold in this life and in the life to come" to all those who give up fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers, "children" for the sake of the Gospel.
My hope is that in letting Colton "go" he will be radically changed and set on fire for our Father and come back to Thailand or wherever God wills, and give his life for the Gospel of Jesus. When I set my sights on this, letting go seems easy.
Father, I give you my first born son. Take him as an with him what you will, refine him and make him pure gold in YOUR hand.
I love you, Colton!


  1. *tears*
    I still think of both of your boys as BOYS running around BRSM. I know that had to be so hard and I'm not looking forward to the day I have to let go. But I'm sure the SOLID foundation you've helped him build his life on will be a SURE foundation.

  2. I have been thinking of you so much since I read that he was leaving! I'm so glad that you are having a hard time letting him go instead of being happy to get rid of him. It's a true testimony of how much you and Clinton love your kids and have poured into them. I love you!!!

  3. I've been praying for you, Clint and the other boys! I'm going to miss Colton too, but I believe the Lord has something great in store for him : ) I love you so much, Amber!
