Monday, February 03, 2014

Last Week of Organized Tot School

 I have no idea what causes a tot who's moving right along week after week with school to all the sudden decide, "I'm not doing it anymore." 

That's what happened with Cayden. He's 3 years and 5 months in these photos. 

I mean, I was having SO.MUCH.FUN!! 

On this Jj Jellyfish lesson we even went to the Aquarium! I had the scavenger hunt print outs and all! I was INTO.IT. 

I love the planning, the gathering, and the teaching. I love it. I was so sad! To be honest I tried to force the Kk Kola on him but he wasn't having it. I think it was the same thing lesson after lesson that bored him. He likes change and different stuff so maybe I'll try to incorporate some different things into each lesson. I'm not really that creative which is the problem, but thank God for Pintrest. Right?!

He's recently been asking to do Tot School again. Although, he's not a tot anymore... he's a preschooler. (3yrs. 11mo). How did my baby get to be a Preschooler???

He's definitely a kinetic learner! HE lOVES sensory play!! I mean loves it! And he loves books. 

We were doing the Animal ABC's by Carrisa at 1plus1plus1
She's amazing! And her printables are so cute. She has TONS of ideas on there! 

Has your tot decided he doesn't want to do school anymore?

If so what was your strategy to get him going again?

I'd love to hear from you!

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